Do you want to have a flat stomach? Just drink this mixture 2 times a day!



You have assigned yourself a weight loss mission. You do intense workouts and maintain a strict diet. Well ! You have already managed to get rid of a lot of the bulky fat in your body. Except those of the belly ...


You are not alone. Most people who want to lose weight face the same problem. Burning fat from any part of the body is much easier compared to the belly area. No wonder it's called "stubborn" fat. But, do not give up yet because we have found an effective solution to flatten your stomach quickly.


Why is it difficult to burn belly fat?  


Before you talk about the magic drink that can burn your belly fat, we will first understand why it is difficult to get rid of fat in this part of the body. Here are the reasons why your belly refuses to reduce dimensions.


1. Alcohol:


Drinking alcohol adds more calories to the body than you can imagine. Above all, it expands your waistline. Now, do you understand why your stomach is called "beer belly"?


2. The age:


A girl in her teens is more likely to lose weight faster than a woman who is in her thirties. The reason is simple. As you get older, your metabolic rate decreases, as does the body's ability to burn fat.


3. Inappropriate exercises:


When making a training plan, be sure to consult a fitness instructor. What worked for your friend will not necessarily have the same effect on you. Talk to a coach who will recommend activities / exercises based on your body type and abilities.


4. The diet:


When you talk about belly fat, it's most often related to inflammation. If you're still eating out or what's called junk food like french fries, soft drinks, processed foods, it can thwart your body's ability to burn fat around your belly. For this, you must focus on natural foods because they have anti-inflammatory properties.


5. The stress:


One of the main factors contributing to weight gain these days is the increase in stress levels. The stress hormone cortisol is linked to visceral fat. The key is to stay calm. Meditate, find yourself a hobby to lower your stress level.


Here is the recipe for the fat-burning drink:




1 cup of fresh grapes or orange juice

1 teaspoon of honey

2 teaspoons of cider vinegar


Instructions :


Discard all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and even. Drink this just before your meal for a week. You will notice the difference yourself. If you want to continue with this treatment, take a break of at least a fortnight.



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