Here are SUPER-FOOD to counter Fatigue!


Do you suffer from chronic fatigue, lethargy or exhaustion? Do you feel weak and tired physically and morally? Ladies and gentlemen, rest assured! Thanks to a selection of superfoods, you will fight fatigue and overflow energy!


Fatigue affects more women than men. In the United States, this health problem affects the daily lives of one in five people. While in France, it is estimated that fatigue affects between 2 and 3 million people.


What are the risk factors for fatigue?   


Several factors contribute to the development of fatigue, such as the unhealthy modern lifestyle, certain diseases and physiological problems.


Fatigue can result from excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine, 

unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle or excessive exercise. There are also mental health issues that can cause fatigue such as depression, stress and anxiety.


On the other hand, some diseases such as cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, liver failure, obesity, type 2 diabetes and thyroid disorders can also cause fatigue. .


What are the symptoms of fatigue?  


The main symptom of fatigue is exhaustion after physical or mental

activities. Other fatigue-related symptoms include difficulty concentrating,

dizziness, headache, irritability, loss of appetite, lack of energy, lack of

motivation, muscle aches and mood.

If your fatigue is due to physical, emotional and mental factors, you can prevent it through diet! There are foods rich in nutrients and effective to counter the symptoms of fatigue.


Here are the 5 best superfoods to fight fatigue:  


1. Watermelon  


If you feel tired after an exhausting day at work or after a workout, you can recover your energy by simply eating a slice of watermelon. This fruit is rich in water and electrolytes that prevent dehydration so you can stay active and without symptoms of fatigue.


Watermelon is rich in nutrients that fight fatigue, such as lycopene, beta-carotene, iron, potassium and vitamin C.


2. Yogurt  


Yogurt is packed with protein, carbohydrates and probiotics, helping to prevent the symptoms of fatigue. This natural dairy product is an excellent source of energy. Yogurt probiotics help to reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition, these nutrients play a vital role in improving intestinal health.


3. Oats  


Oatmeal is one of the best superfoods to fight the symptoms of acute or chronic fatigue. It is rich in carbohydrates, phosphorus, magnesium, protein and vitamin B1, nutrients that work synergistically to boost the body's energy.


4. Green tea  


A small cup of green tea can be of great help! Tea removes fatigue and reduces stress. Rich in polyphenols, tea prevents stress while stimulating the body's energy. In addition, green tea components accelerate metabolism and help prevent complications associated with fatigue.


5. Bananas  


Bananas are rich in potassium: a mineral that the body needs for an efficient conversion of sugars into energy. Other essential nutrients found in bananas such as vitamin B, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates and fiber are effective in fighting fatigue and dehydration. Note that bananas contain simple sugars that boost energy throughout the day.


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