Forget the sugar! Here's what you need to stop eating if you want to be healthy


Today, sugar is considered the number one enemy of human health. If it deserves the top of the ranking, sugar is far from the only food product you should be wary of.


Just like sugar a few years ago, the food industry is making us believe that some foods are good for our health, when in fact they are only degrading. Another enemy of public health, and which will probably surprise you, is soy.


What is soy?  


Soy is a legume native to East Asia, but is now widely produced in the United States and around the world. It is used to make many foods.


It is found in the form of tofu, soy milk and various dairy and meat

substitutes. It is also used in fermented foods such as miso, natto and tempeh, which are commonly eaten in some Asian countries.


It is also used to pack many processed foods such as hamburgers, sausages and lasagna, allowing manufacturers to claim high levels of protein.


What do we say about soy?


First of all, you should know that 99% of soy is genetically modified, and it is one of the most contaminated foods. Soy also contains large amounts of natural or "anti-nutrient" toxins.


The former are potent inhibitors of the enzyme that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. It also contains

hemagglutinin, a substance that promotes the formation of clots and causes the agglomeration of red blood cells.


However, there is not only bad with soy. So it would not be fair to talk about all the bad things without mentioning the good side. The truth is that there is evidence of some health benefits.


Thus, as nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert explains: "Soybeans are very controversial and depending on who you ask, you can get a different answer, but from a nutritional point of view, soy has great benefits."


"Whole soybeans contain so much nutrients that they must be eaten cooked, with the exception of the immature soy called edamame. The disadvantage is that they may contain phytates that block some nutritional absorption, but they are also related to the lowering of bad cholesterol.


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