My mother used this mask and miraculously rejuvenated 15 years! Here's how to prepare it

 Women are the biggest consumers of cosmetics around the world. A woman is a sensitive and delicate being who watches, day and night, with her beauty and her external brilliance. To rejuvenate more than 15 years of the face, here is an oatmeal mask that will surprise you ...


To achieve this, women often use cosmetics based on chemical components, harmful to health and inaccessible for certain budgets. To be beautiful, some women, very limited budget, prefer to dive into the world of night masks, prepared with mostly natural ingredients with effects even more satisfactory than pharmacy products.

Cornstarch on the skin:  

Cornstarch granules absorb moisture immediately, just like sports shoes, but cornstarch is also 100% natural and 100% pure skin care.

Cornstarch is a natural and economical powder for baby too. To use it, simply fill an empty container of baby powder with cornstarch and sprinkle it daily to prevent diaper rash.

It is very hard to please a woman, especially when she is trying to lighten the skin of her face at all costs by eliminating all the redness and problems of darkness. To ensure the radiance of your face, apply this mask up to 4 times each week. Use it and you will not be disappointed!

Here is a recipe for a night mask, with radiant effects, to rejuvenate under 15 years:  


  • 150 ml of water

  • 1 tablespoon plain yogurt

  • 3 large glasses of carrot juice.

  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Method of preparation :   

  • Mix the water and cornstarch until the ingredients dissolve.

  • Heat the mixture until thick.

  • Finally, add the rest of the ingredients to this juice. The mask is now ready for application.

Apply this mask every night for half an hour before rinsing and cleaning with cold water before sleeping. Your facial skin, after months, will have the freshness and youth of a 16-year-old virgin!


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