All those who have tried it recommend it! These 4 EXERCISES effectively relieve tendonitis of the shoulder!


Tendinitis is an inflammation that occurs at the level of a tendon. It  causes intense pain that becomes almost disabling, as it can prevent  you from performing simple movements.


The gentle and habitual practice of stretching is fundamental to relieve the  discomfort caused by tendinitis and manage to soothe it while gaining  suppleness and strength.


Tendinitis of the shoulder, what is it?  

Tendinitis of the shoulder is a fairly common health problem, it usually occurs  in people over 50 years old.

According to statistics, shoulder tendinitis affects about 10% of the population  over 50 years old.


However, it should not be thought that age is the driving factor of this disease. Aging may be a determining factor in the onset of tendinitis of the shoulder,  but the main cause that causes this is the excessive stress on the tendon  muscles.


When one of the tendons of the shoulder is commonly solicited for work or physical activities, it eventually creates inflammation.

In general, shoulder tendinitis is a benign inflammation that heals itself over  time. Depending on the severity, it can take weeks or even months for a full  recovery.


Simple techniques can help relieve and heal tendonitis in the shoulder.


Exercises to do to relieve tendonitis of the shoulder:  

As we have already mentioned, the practice of some stretching can help  relieve the discomfort caused by tendinitis.

So when it comes to shoulder tendinitis, we have selected for you some easy  exercises that may be useful for you.


Initial stretch :  

Stand in front of a chair or table, then press the healthy arm on the edge and  tilt the trunk forward. Please keep your back parallel to the floor and your legs straight. Then, let the affected arm hang, as if it were a pendulum, and make small  circles in a clockwise direction. After 20 repetitions make the movements in  the opposite direction. Gradually enlarge the circles.


Frontal stretching :

Stand still, keep your back straight, carry the hand of the affected arm on the  other shoulder. For example, if tendinitis affects the right shoulder, the right  hand should be on the left shoulder.


Grab your elbow with your healthy arm hand and apply gentle upward  pressure so that the shoulder "rises" as much as possible, without causing  pain. Hold a few seconds, turn down, then try again.


Stretching aided:

For this exercise we can use a wall or the frame of a window or a door. Stand  up and press the hand of the affected shoulder. Bring the body forward to  stretch the arm. Hold for 10 seconds, release and repeat.


Stretching helped and elevation:

As in the previous exercise, you can use a wall, door, or window again. Raise  your sore arm and press your hand on your shoulder. With your fingertips, apply pressure to release the palm from the surface. Then move your fingers up to raise the shoulder.




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