Home-made remedies for relieving back pain!


Back pain can occur for many reasons, such as muscle tension, poor diet, lack of physical activity, arthritis, excessive physical work, poor  sitting, and even pregnancy.


Back pain can be disabling because pain makes it difficult to perform daily  activities. Fortunately, there are natural treatments that can provide quick relief of pain and allow you to enjoy life again.


1. Ginger:  

Ginger root, used to treat vomiting, can also be used in the treatment of back pain. The anti-inflammatory compounds found in ginger can relieve your back pain. All you have to do is first apply ginger paste to the affected area, then eucalyptus oil.


Another method:

Cut 4 to 6 thin slices of fresh ginger root and put them in a cup and a half of water. Simmer and boil over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Wait for the mixture to cool to room temperature and filter. 


Add the honey to improve the taste and then drink the mixture. You can drink this ginger tea two or three times a day for a few days or until you notice an improvement.

2. basil leaves:  

Basil leaves can also be of great help with back pain. Add 8 to 10 basil leaves to a cup of water and boil until the water evaporates by half. Let cool to room temperature then add a pinch of salt. For mild pain, drink this preparation once a day; and for severe pain, drink twice a day.

3. Poppy seeds:  

Poppy seeds work wonders as a cure for back pain. Grind together 1 cup poppy seed (khus khus) and candy (misri). Consume two teaspoons of this mixture twice a day, followed by a glass of milk.

4. Herbal oil:  

Massage the back with an herbal oil can help your muscles relax and relieve pain. You can use any vegetable oil such as eucalyptus oil, almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil. Heat the oil until it is hot and gently massage on the pain area



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