Home remedies that you can use to relieve ARTHRITIS!


Combining many diseases of inflammatory origin, arthritis is a term  often used to describe any form of disorder that affects the joints. It is  manifested by sometimes intense joint pain. We present you with natural  remedies to relieve it.


Arthritis is a common condition characterized by inflammation, stiffness, and  pain in the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, hips, jaw, and other joints of the  body. It can not be cured permanently, but some natural remedies can help  relieve symptoms.


What you need to know about arthritis:  

Arthritis is a very common condition, but it is not well understood. In fact,  "arthritis" is not a single disease; It is an informal way to refer to joint pain or  different joint diseases.


Common joint symptoms of arthritis include swelling, pain, stiffness and  decreased mobility. The symptoms can appear and disappear on their  own. They can be mild, moderate or severe. They can also stay pretty much  the same for years, but can progress or worsen over time.


Severe arthritis can lead to chronic pain, an inability to do daily activities. In  addition, arthritis can cause permanent joint changes. These changes may be visible, but often the damage can only be observed on X-rays. Some types of arthritis also affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin, as well as the joints.


Discover natural remedies that can help relieve the symptoms of arthritis:  


Anti-inflammatory foods:

Food choice can be a factor when it comes to managing and relieving  arthritis. 


According to Reader's Digest, a Swedish study found that people who had  engaged in a Mediterranean food plan, based on herbs, onions, garlic, nuts,  olive oil, fish, grains whole fruits and vegetables had reduced inflammation  and improved their physical capacity.


Turmeric and ginger tea:

Turmeric and ginger are some of the home remedies you can use for  arthritis. According to Everyday Roots, both are anti-inflammatory in nature, so  they should help manage osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.


Turmeric also has an ingredient called curcumin, which acts as a powerful  antioxidant. In addition, turmeric has properties that reduce the levels of  enzymes responsible for inflammation.


To make turmeric and ginger tea, you will need two cups of water, half a  teaspoon of ground turmeric, half a teaspoon of ground ginger and honey  according to your taste.


To prepare the tea, the two cups of water are boiled and half teaspoons of  ginger and turmeric are added. They are left to simmer for ten to 15  minutes. After that, you can let cool and add the honey.

The exercises :

Exercise is another cure for arthritis. Physical activity is beneficial for people  with osteoarthritis. Reinforcement exercises such as isotonic and isometric  exercises are the most recommended for this purpose.


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