In order to fight against the flu, the best remedy is to make love!


With the epidemic of flu prevalent almost everywhere, anti-influenza drugs are the most widely sold in pharmacies today.


However, if you are reluctant to the potential side effects that these medications may have, and you appreciate more grandmother's remedies, this solution is the best for you!


Make love to prevent the flu:  


Now, leave aside your vitamin C supplements or other medicated capsules, science has discovered a much better way to cope with the flu.


According to the results of a study conducted by researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, the most effective remedy for influenza and other common winter colds is to make love.


To reach their conclusion, the researchers conducted a study on a sample of 100 students. At the end of the study, the results showed that the risk of catching a cold snap decreased by 60% when making love twice a week.


According to the researchers' explanations, the good times you spend having sex, can produce much higher levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), which form a barrier against the disease. This is not the case for people who have sex less than twice a week.


But be careful, there are also other reasons put forward by researchers to justify the importance of having sex regularly. It's good for morale, helps sleep better, and improves blood circulation.


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