Once you learn this, you will never throw avocado seeds again!


Avocado is a delicious and nourishing fruit, excellent for health, and its core is also consumable (and most of the time it is thrown away) because it has more medicinal properties than the rest of the fruit. From sucrose, we can also apply it topically to treat skin problems as well as muscle and joint pains!


We will tell you how you can use avocado kernel to get the most out of it as a natural treatment for many diseases and, among other things, to lose weight. Avocado seeds are perfectly edible foods. In addition, they are extremely healthy, even healthier than the flesh itself!


How to incorporate avocado seeds into our diet?  


This remarkable seed can be integrated into your daily diet in various ways:

In sauces, smoothies, salads or even used as a powder. Yet you should always mix it with sweet ingredients, with fruit or honey to cover its bitter taste.

In order not to spoil your food processor, you need to dry the seeds first, place them in a plastic bag, crush them with a hammer before grinding them and add them to your food.


Avocado seed powder can also be used in the preparation of avocado stone tea or added to your facial masks. In addition, the seed can also be used as a natural pink dye for the fabric.


To convince you, here are 7 good reasons why you must regularly consume these nutritious seeds:


7 reasons to consume avocado seeds:  


1. Its soluble fibers:  


Avocado seed is also rich in soluble fiber.


2. Its antioxidants:  


The seed still contains 70% of the antioxidants in the avocados and is able to neutralize the damage caused by free radicals. The avocado seed also contains polyphenols, similar to those in green tea.


3. Against decelerated aging:  


These seeds, because of their antioxidant content, slow down the aging process and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. These seeds also help rebuild collagen and make the skin youthful and firm.


4. Anticancer properties:  


These seeds contain a powerful ingredient, flavonols, whose mission is to reduce and prevent tumor growth.


5. Stimulate the immune system:  


These seeds strengthen the immune system and eliminate free radicals to protect you against colds and flu.


6. For the health of the heart:  


Avocado seeds are rich in dietary fiber that reduces bad cholesterol. They also prevent cardiovascular disease and plaque deposits that cause heart attacks and strokes.


7. Relieve digestive problems:  


People in South America use this seed to treat the problems of dysentery and the tract, besides effectively relieving constipation, preventing gastric ulcers and reducing inflammation. It also prevents viral, bacterial and diarrhea diseases.


For all these reasons, never discard the avocado seeds again because they will be of enormous benefit to you!


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